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 Blacklisted Users Date Added

 iwanabuy about  

10 February 2002

 iwantavideocam about  

27 January 2003

 jd12 about  

27 January 2003

 jenshaw about  

3 July 2002

 jessica7 about  

27 January 2003

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5 March 2002

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24 March 2002

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19 April 2002

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12 March 2002

 john99_nz about  

9 June 2002

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6 June 2002

 kagawall about  

23 April 2002

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7 August 2002

 kapiticomputers about  

14 February 2002

 kenbaker about  

10 February 2002

 killa about  

5 March 2002

 kimshotkiss about  

7 January 2003

 kiwikenning about  

10 June 2002

 kiwirocker12345 about  

14 February 2003

 krazy2361 about  

14 February 2002

 lady13 about  

4 March 2002

 lallal about  

3 June 2002

 lee20 about  

3 June 2002

 lee.varty about  

3 June 2002

 lewisdewis about  

10 February 2002

 lil_angel about  

8 February 2002

 little_miss_n1 about  

15 June 2002

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29 May 2002

 luv_lar about  

8 February 2002

 lynett53 about  

9 July 2002

 madman23 about  

12 July 2002

 magicbean about  

1 March 2002

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19 February 2002

 majinvegeta10 about  

15 June 2002

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8 February 2002

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7 March 2002

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15 June 2002

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12 March 2002

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9 February 2002

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22 April 2002

 mini72 about  

12 August 2002

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20 July 2002

 misery80 about  

2 March 2002

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23 February 2002

 moe99 about  

26 April 2002

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19 April 2002

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3 June 2002

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26 February 2002

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9 July 2002

 niggersuckcock about  

27 May 2002

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9 February 2002

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3 June 2002

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8 December 2002

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30 July 2002

 nz2001nz about link  

7 March 2002

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22 March 2002

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8 February 2002

 nz_vcd about  

12 March 2002

 old_d_b2001 about  

9 February 2002

 onestopvcdshop about  

29 May 2002

 oz4 about  

17 September 2002

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4 August 2002

 pepss about  

8 February 2002

 phhiilliipp about  

28 February 2002

 playmaker8 about  

27 January 2003

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9 February 2002

 propsdpt about  

8 February 2002

 puki_rick about  

14 September 2002

 purged about  

22 April 2002

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3 July 2002

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8 February 2002

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3 June 2002

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14 March 2002

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15 February 2002

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8 February 2002

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8 February 2002

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30 July 2002

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3 June 2002

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25 May 2002

 rushtonboy about  

19 February 2002

 rusty8 about  

27 April 2002

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Due to recent changes on the TradeMe Message Boards restricting discussions about rogue or malicious traders, you are encouraged to take the opportunity to submit traders for consideration to these lists by using the email link provided.

I will endeavour to update the lists as soon as possible after receiving and assessing your submission. Your help will ensure that this site reamins a useful tool for the community.

If you understand or if you don't, if you believe or if you doubt,
There's a universal justice, and the eyes of truth are always watching you.
Enigma - The Cross of Changes

Page last updated: 8:48 pm, 14 February 2003.