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  1. Hall of Fame/Shame/Links
    Main site is temporarily off-line. You can continue to access trustweb links at

    jjbc (5)   17:13:15, 16/02/2002

  2. Nigel, if you don't close this thread
    you are tacitly endorsing jjbc's misuse of trademe members imformation.

    pauley (3)   20:27:13, 16/02/2002

  3. Get lost jjbc
    Why would people goto your site? when they just look at a traders feedback/trustweb, seems a bit stupid, dont you think?

    nznokia (13)    20:48:05, 16/02/2002

  4. Now pauley (or is that Gate28, Gate29 or Sofa66?)
    All authenticated (with star) members have the ability to form a Trustweb using the TradeMe website. All authenticated (without star) and unauthenticated users do not. I expect to continue receiving submissions on forming my Trustweb for about another week. I appreciate the help, advice, and assistance I have received from a number of users. Thank you very much to those users (despite some vocal opposition) that have made some input into helping me complete this Trustweb.

    jjbc (5)   21:17:20, 16/02/2002

  5. jjbc you seem to want to persist in bringing
    this site of yours to everyone's attention. It would appear that you consider yourself a Christian. I consider you anything but a Christian in fact I would go as far to say I would consider you one of the Devils disciples. A true Christian follows in the footstep of Jesus. Jesus would of never hid behind a username(jjbc). Jesus stood in front of the crowd for all to see & tell the truth, to which he paid the ultimate price.

    gamefisher (36)    05:26:30, 17/02/2002

  6. I would have thought that the Devil
    would support falsehood, lying, deception, temptation, immorality, hatred and accusation. As I reject these, your statement is incorreect and unfactual. What about yourself gamefisher?

    jjbc (5)   08:55:13, 17/02/2002

  7. Gamefisher, I cannot believe this guy jjbc
    his latest posting really gives his attitude and site agenda away. The trade me feedback allows an individual to make an informed decision on a trader, jjbc wants to distill this rich source of imformation to a singular reference that he controls,thus a trader is either good or bad. He disagrees with your opinion, so you are now being compared to the devil, or the opposite of what jjbc thinks he stands for. It makes life simpler for the christian, self righteous and judgemental to polarise and define the world but far from being 'helpfull', this is generally the source of a lot of hatred and misunderstanding. (USA's definition of the 'axis of evil' and their general treatment of the muslim world springs to mind) JJBC; Jesus Christ taught tolerance forgiveness and empathy, you reek of ignorance and bigotry.

    pauley (3)   09:29:04, 17/02/2002

  8. And one other thing...
    jjbc, please don't confuse your 'trustweb' with your website. Trustweb is a trademe site service, your website is your website. Don't blur the line between Trademe and your website by fraudulantly misusing terms and trademarks used by the majority of users on this site.

    pauley (3)   09:33:28, 17/02/2002

  9. ref 6 above "falsehood, lying, deception, temptati
    You seem to be tempted into the thought that feedback comment is gospel. As the absolute word of God. Did it never occur to you that some of this feedback is lying and / or deception? That you are perpetrating and fostering hatred through condemning people because of this feedback? Or conversely, exalting them falsely on your praise site? That you are immoral through passing on the unsubstantiated accusations / praise of others, when you have absolutely no knowledge of the circumstances that have led to these comments? Perhaps you feel you are closer to God then the rest of us? Do you think you are His emissary? Do you think you have a divine right to judge others? If this is the case (and I suspect you think it is), why not join a monastery where you can satisfy your own convictions and leave the rest of the world alone – society (including TM, and its traders) can quite happily do without you and your prejudices.

    crusoe (5)    10:21:22, 17/02/2002

  10. There seem to be some very worried
    people responding to this thread (as well as two dodgy traders). I don't know why these people are so scared of Christians these days. Makes me wish I was one. ;)

    sparhawk (29)    11:42:36, 17/02/2002

  11. jjbc you seem to think that you have
    the moral high ground. What you are doing is sneaky & cowardly, and in fact you have now taken the moral low ground below that if those in the hall of shame. We all make mistakes, now you are telling us that we have to be ashamed of only one mistake that is very minute in the scheme of everyday living. I think you are getting far too pedantic in your judgment of those people, & it is your site & it is you doing the judging & as someone has pointed out don’t try to blur the distinction between your site & TM site.

    gamefisher (36)    12:11:40, 17/02/2002

  12. What was your mistake
    #11 (gamefisher)? What are you worried about at this particular point in time? ;)

    sparhawk (29)    12:16:05, 17/02/2002

  13. sparkhawk
    And you throw stones at me...your feedback says you made a labelled the address were say 7 days..your buyer says 10 days she should know..pretty poor effort...lucky you only got a bluey eh...could have been a BAD FEEDBACK..then you would be like a lot of people on trademe..wouldnt you..? lol

    fisher (71)    12:34:05, 17/02/2002

  14. Potential hypocrisy?
    Any authenticated user with a star who has their own Trustweb, and then proceeds to tell me I am not allowed one, or who think they have the right to start abusing other traders.

    jjbc (5)   12:39:31, 17/02/2002

  15. mention dodgy...
    The only thing I see here is people openly disagreeing with jjbc. So is it the case that those who disagree with jjbc, because they disagree, are therefore dodgy traders? So if disagreement = dodgy, and the site of shame is for dodgy traders, then to disagree with jjbc and sparhawk makes one a candidate for jjbc's site! An excellent idea !!!

    pauley (3)   12:43:56, 17/02/2002

  16. jjbc
    pay ya 10.00 bucks ya freeloader...i think the people above have got you pegged to a tee..absolutely hahahaha you judge people with out any facts..your site of 36/81956 members means squat.its all based on numbers ...JUDGE JUDY or christian you ain't..

    fisher (71)    12:45:48, 17/02/2002

  17. And sparhawk...You say ther are a lot of "worried
    people", well yes, there probably are..worried that people like jjbc actually exist. What other lists of blacklisted people has he created and carried in his head during this life, abortionists, heathen, immigrants, non christians, adulterers etc...

    pauley (3)   12:48:06, 17/02/2002

  18. Fisher, you seem to have forgotten
    the right of reply. Lets look at some feedback posted by you about another user; fisher (71) 10/01/2002 gwertz was the buyer (auction no: 667363) WATCH OUT PEOPLE...USES BUY NOW AND THEN EMAILS YOU AN HOUR LATER RENEGING ON DEAL...Remove her bids..Beware beware beware!!!!!! trader responded: 10/01/2002 Hey no fair, I did explain, and am very sorry, you have every right to post bad feedback, but this is just a tad over the top!!

    jjbc (5)   12:52:59, 17/02/2002

  19. #13 Fisher, the way you ripped off
    sprobertson must haunt you still. You sold him a rod that needed \$100 of repairs, then you offer him a full refund which would leave him \$100 out of pocket and you with a fixed rod. Then you submitted malicious feedback in return - for SHAME! Pauley, why do you consider yourself a dodgy trader? Repent! Repent! ;)

    sparhawk (29)    12:58:20, 17/02/2002

  20. jjbc
    hahhaha hit a nerve have we ...thing is its true...absolutely why bring it up...You have to explain your reasoning now...or will you once again hide behind your christianity..hahahahaha

    fisher (71)    12:59:25, 17/02/2002

  21. So...
    Where are the dodgy traders? You have the ordasity to call me dodgy, and i have far better feedback that you! sparhawk, and same again goes for jjbc...Jesus tought forgive!

    nz2001nz (43)    13:00:49, 17/02/2002

  22. Forgiveness AND Repentance
    You have certainly made some amends nz2001nz (you are close to being taken off), but I would suggest you avoid the `sale on behalf` deals - it looks like they are more trouble than they are worth - they should get their own account.

    jjbc (5)   13:15:38, 17/02/2002

  23. jjbc and sparhawks
    this may contavene the rules of this board...but you have such an anal propensity for other peoples details that I can only assume you have none of your own worth concfentating on. FREAKS.

    pauley (3)   13:19:56, 17/02/2002

  24. contravene and concentrate
    man I am excited...

    pauley (3)   13:21:56, 17/02/2002

  25. Pauley (or is it Gate28, Gate29 or Sofa66)
    Would having multiple accounts be CONTRAVENTION?

    jjbc (5)   13:34:31, 17/02/2002

  26. Thanks JJBC
    But this whole thing is becomming a bit of a "shit slinging match" and its interesting to read but you goes on

    nz2001nz (43)    13:52:56, 17/02/2002

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  1. TradeMe Hall of Shame

    jjbc (5)   15:54:11, 9/02/2002

  2. ok
    There are lots more,can you tell me can we add to this?

    gypsy (243)    16:14:25, 9/02/2002

  3. Post them here, or...
    email them to me. I will check out each account, and if warranted will add them to the list.

    jjbc (5)   16:27:32, 9/02/2002

  4. probably be the
    wrong thing to do to place bad traders heree.Better to email them to you.

    gypsy (243)    16:37:46, 9/02/2002

  5. I have added a link
    on the site if you wish to send me some suggested names.

    jjbc (5)   16:51:14, 9/02/2002

  6. jason_liefting
    Another Hayden!

    kjekyll (14)    16:54:21, 9/02/2002

  7. ok, this is not funny...
    please add old_d_b2001 to that list big time, as he was the first one to rip me off big time. I see he hasn't been back, hopefully 10ft under and pushing up daisies by now.

    ladygolfer31 (16)    17:15:48, 9/02/2002

  8. jjbc
    Thankyou have emailed you

    gypsy (243)    17:22:12, 9/02/2002

  9. Usernames aren't enough
    if these dodgy dealers can simply open new accounts, especially since the \$10 "security tax") is a small price to pay to rip off \$100's of dollars from buyers and sellers. If these peoples' real names (and the stories of their exploits) were made public, however, it might discourage them from repeat performances. It might also be useful to have an advice page for traders that have been ripped off (how to use the disputes' tribunal, fairgo, making a police complaint etc). I have been ripped off several times, but almost always for amounts too small to really worry about. Excellent work jjbc. :)

    sparhawk (29)    17:35:28, 9/02/2002

  10. You have some good suggestions there sparhawk
    and hopefully in time (whenever I can find enough of it) :) I will try to add some links or other dispute resolution tips and advice. Thanks..

    jjbc (5)   17:41:13, 9/02/2002

  11. Old favorite

    helen.c (338)    18:48:36, 9/02/2002

  12. Got that....
    Thanks Helen.

    jjbc (5)   18:57:19, 9/02/2002

  13. Have added a few links as suggested by Sparhawk
    Very basic, but hopefully over time, can build the site up (and make more easy to navigate etc), add some basic advice on mediation issues, dispute resolution, alternative methods and more. Hopefully this as a start will help.

    jjbc (5)   19:22:34, 9/02/2002

  14. Well how would you like it
    if you were on this list & you were unaware of this list & had defaulted on a deal through no fault of your own, 90% of those on this are defaulter not scammers. If it was me I would be seeing my lawyer on Monday. I have 1 bad feedback where do you draw the line.

    gamefisher (36)    19:40:56, 9/02/2002

  15. The drawn line........
    I think that in the absence of TM Admin taking measures to protect us from 'known' dodgy traders, that this is the next best idea and wholeheartedly support it so long as it continues along the lines that I understand to be 'monitored' and apply solely to persistently troublesome or bad traders. Everyone can get a bad feedback but it takes a bit of an idiot or a bad trader to collect a few.

    helen.c (338)    19:49:07, 9/02/2002

  16. I think it STINKS
    With 1 person(with a very big chip on his shoulder) saying who goes on this list. I dont support it, this message board seems to weed out trouble makers pretty quick.MTCW

    jmma (69)    20:01:32, 9/02/2002

  17. You seem to have captured the essence Helen.
    Abberations will not get you on the list, but blatant, excessive, continuous or predominant dodgy dealings will. Perhaps if you would care to check some of the listings, you might get a better idea of what defines `dodgy dealers`. There are no added comments, just each traders record speaking for themselves.

    jjbc (5)   20:05:27, 9/02/2002

  18. Re 16
    I have done this as a response to what seems to be the voice of a number of users on TradeMe, threads disappearing from the Message Boards, the lack of shepherding from the (probably stressed and very busy) TradeMe team, and as a result of my own problems with traders. If you have a problem with this, you are under no obligation to use the site.

    jjbc (5)   20:12:01, 9/02/2002

  19. The way I see it
    is you had 1 bit of trouble with 1 trader and went overboard about it. I wont use your site, I use my Judgement.

    jmma (69)    20:19:41, 9/02/2002

  20. Each to his own.
    We all, hopefully, use our own judgement & taken in perspective the page is just another 'check' tool to use or not use as each person prefers.

    helen.c (338)    20:25:29, 9/02/2002

  21. It is more likely scenario
    that TM has checked into the legality of a list like & found out it wasn’t in their best interest.

    gamefisher (36)    20:30:49, 9/02/2002

  22. I am surprised you have a problem
    with the list, as there are no defamotory comments, no individuals are named, there is no false or misleading information, no derogatory terms or inferences are made - just a collection of links to user accounts - in fact, the same freely available information that is posted on TradeMe. You obviously wouldn`t like BayCorp now would you??

    jjbc (5)   20:47:38, 9/02/2002

  23. So...
    are you adding anyone with 1 Negative at least?

    ziggy1she (3)   21:02:02, 9/02/2002

  24. Have a look at;
    snakewitch trader9 amiga happybidder

    jjbc (5)   21:24:24, 9/02/2002

  25. Yep they are the bad ones
    what about the 20 with only 1 bad feedback getting pedantic. Even TM alows 3 bad feedback before considering disableing a member.

    gamefisher (36)    21:34:53, 9/02/2002

  26. For someone who only has 4 feedbacks
    to his name, you sure are keen to hunt down and expose these perpetrators. People whining to this guy Nigel is bad enough, but a lone renegade starting a 'name and shame' is purely fascistic. And who goes on the site, people who are too busy trading to hang out in at this ( increasingly ) inward looking and paranoid user group. How about everyone who can blacklist jjbc for a laugh, see if he appears on his own site..if not then the site is biased. ( he'll be trading under an alias anyway...) Peace and prosperity...over and out.

    pauley (3)   21:59:01, 9/02/2002

  27. I would assume you are referring to
    the ones in the negatives ie -1 etc. -1 out of 1, or -1 out of 3 trades is not a very good ratio. These have also been blacklisted by users. It is entirely these peoples` opportunity to conduct themselves in a manner that is conducive to the environment of trust, honesty and integrity that this site needs, to work properly on. Should they redeem themselves, then they will be removed from the list.

    jjbc (5)   22:00:19, 9/02/2002

  28. And how is the comment...
    "and you obviously wouldn't like baycorp would you"... Who made you the policeman of this site...if I was trademe, i'd shut you down quick..or else i'd release the user database to you so you could harass the "perps" by phone, threat, and or a 'visit' bully boy moron.

    pauley (3)   22:04:16, 9/02/2002

  29. Re 26
    If I was ripping off, scamming, selling dodgy merchandise, making false claims, renegging on deals, stuffing people around etc, then my name probably would be on a list. Fortunately, my dealings through TradeMe show otherwise...

    jjbc (5)   22:05:05, 9/02/2002

  30. Thats it
    now you are sounding like judge, jury etc, go find something else to play with.

    jmma (69)    22:05:10, 9/02/2002

  31. You have been watching too much of Judge Judy
    and are now making yourself as judge & jury, who elected you into office.

    gamefisher (36)    22:08:19, 9/02/2002

  32. All I`m doing is providing information
    (and links to dispute resolution services) that has been a topic of contention for some time. A number of users sounded out the idea (and there are already sites on specific cases or individuals), and I had the ability to actually put it in place. You mean to say that you don`t want to see fair dealings on the site, and disputes resolved?

    jjbc (5)   22:11:11, 9/02/2002

  33. someone should start an IRC channel
    these web based rooms are tooooo slow

    pauley (3)   22:15:06, 9/02/2002

  34. Have no problem
    with wanting a fair site and disputes sorted. My problem is your chip on your shoulder about 1 bad deal that may or may not sort itself out and then the way you do this shame list.

    jmma (69)    22:21:35, 9/02/2002

  35. Fortunately the situation I was involved with
    was resolved successfully through negotiation. I don`t know why you seem to think I have a chip on my shoulder - just because I offered to respond to a need.

    jjbc (5)   22:24:30, 9/02/2002

  36. Can you add
    gdavies, 1ollie and evo7nz?

    nznokia (13)    22:26:46, 9/02/2002

  37. Re 34 - Have you actually read
    the Bad Traders thread in Message Board - TradeMe Help - questions and answers? I suspect not.

    jjbc (5)   22:29:42, 9/02/2002

  38. Well it seems your are out to get all the bad guys
    why not add NZNOKIA then??

    jmma (69)    22:31:32, 9/02/2002

  39. Excuse me..
    You have added me to your list and I have a neg feddback Now Remove me from your list.Who made you judge jury and hangman you do not know the circumstances of the tradeor what transpired Who gave you the right to post these names over the nett..NOW REMOVE MY NAME NOW!!!!

    trader9 (-1)   22:35:41, 9/02/2002

  40. Ive done about 400 trades
    but this one trder didn't email me for 5 days, and when I received the goods he had wrapped it in brown I know this site is full of rogues, villains and I will now not trust anyone if they appear on jjbc's site. Actually please please add me to you r"site of shame", I hate being left out...better still lets bring back the death sentence...

    pauley (3)   22:38:53, 9/02/2002

  41. 400 trades?
    under what name?

    karamea (46)    22:39:37, 9/02/2002

  42. Karamea....
    humour goes a long way ;-) but not often in this site (he he)...

    pauley (3)   22:45:31, 9/02/2002

  43. Thanks pauley
    that about sums it up, got anymore?(O:

    jmma (69)    22:49:33, 9/02/2002

  44. ah yes
    i should have realised you weren't serious :)

    karamea (46)    22:51:32, 9/02/2002

  45. re :#24
    Happy bidder was one of the names of the brats that came into TM and did the million \$ bids. He was disabled and caught. I personally don't think you have the right to do this either. If it was coming from a well respected TM user like say puppetman (just for eg) then it may have had some merit but no offence, what is going to make me trust you?

    scorps (52)    23:13:01, 9/02/2002

  46. I think you are playing hangman!
    I looked at each trader you have on your list and although a few belong there you have also added traders that have many more good feedbacks than bad, I feel that is ubfair as nobody really knows what goes on when that trade becomes final. I also note that you have added traders that only have 1 bad feedback, some from me some from others, maybe some of the new traders did not understand the full auction process. I also feel that we should make our own descisions and look up traders who are on our own auctions. Athough a lot is black and white I see a few that are not. Everyone deserves a fair go. And you are reproducing trade me feedback, is that legal?

    glenda (172)    23:18:46, 9/02/2002

  47. What criteria or standards are you working to?
    E.g. is it traders with 1 or 2 or 3 bad feedback’s because that means you have a lot of people to put on & you can’t pick & choose at a whim & you can’t leave anyone out. You have a database of nearly \$70,000 to work through. Then you run the risk that one of those traders may become irate enough to my come & make a personal visit. Good luck but I think you need TM to sort out their own problem & I am sure they are trying to come up with solutions.

    gamefisher (36)    23:24:56, 9/02/2002

  48. A database of
    80,645 members

    gamefisher (36)    23:34:06, 9/02/2002

  49. jjbc
    Are you intending the page to be a definitive, 'be all and end all' list of bad traders, or just a useful guide to traders who want information about the people they are posting their money/goods to? If the latter, good on you.

    thomas (10)    23:42:12, 9/02/2002

  50. but then again jjbc
    if this is a very well done joke to bring out the rednecks in all of us, backed up with a website and feedback, then you are a 100% trusted trader... or are you...justin

    pauley (3)   23:47:52, 9/02/2002

  51. As seen as you are...
    putting people with ONE negative then why dont you add Wilson_m to the list? Check out his feedback.

    ziggy1she (3)   23:58:56, 9/02/2002

  52. re # 32
    JJ?? the information about all of these traders is readily available in member profiles on TM site for anyone to see. Personally I think that you have taken on a job far bigger than you can possibly do fairly and correctly. It would not surprise me that TM disables your account not to mention suing you for copyright infringement. I hate to say it but if you are so sadly lacking in something to do why not 'go forth and multiply'

    invizibull (72)    00:06:05, 10/02/2002

  53. jjbc why have to decided to do this list
    As I cannot find your bad feedback on any trader in this list. Of your first posting on that list on the 8th of Feb you put 29 member on & one trader has put bad feedback on 13 of them, now I would find it more understandable if he put up this list, but would still think it is wrong to do so. Your criteria seems to be any trader that has 1 bad feedback & no good ones, but how are you to know that those traders have done good trades & received no good feedback. Yes I have no doubt you have your supporters (loading the bullets) but if things turn sour it will be you people will turn against (holding the smoking gun). For you to be doing this & not having any trading with people on this list, you are doing what is termed “stalking & harassing” members. Yes I would like to see something done to stop those that are deliberately defrauding & scamming traders, but I think this matter is far too complex for you to be doing it & quite frankly I think you are biting off more than you can chew.

    gamefisher (36)    08:10:05, 10/02/2002

  54. I hope to have a Hall of Fame
    page up and running at some stage soon. I wish to thank everyone for their input, views and ideas. I`ll keep you posted :)

    jjbc (5)   09:07:02, 10/02/2002

  55. Another one to add.
    Add lewisdewis to that list. The guy is a timewasting idiot. I don't see what all the fuss is about people saying that listing the bad traders is a bad thing. I'd sure as hell be checking that list every so often.

    argordon (34)    09:12:31, 10/02/2002

  56. JMMA
    I am not a bad person, i suggested the above 3 names because they are bad traders, just look at most of thier feedback, they have been disabled before for their amounts of bad feedback, and so on, i am not here to start fights unlike you seem to be picking fights with me all he time, maybe you should be added to the list.

    nznokia (13)    09:27:13, 10/02/2002

  57. And I think helen.c will be the first
    on the Hall of Fame page :)

    jjbc (5)   09:37:01, 10/02/2002

  58. Sits here
    watching the public lynching mob pass by. Damn thats what this seems like to me. After all isn't a traders bad feedback enough to show that they are not good traders?????

    nardz (12)    09:43:38, 10/02/2002

  59. JJBC...
    are you going to add those people as we have said?

    ziggy1she (3)   10:08:55, 10/02/2002

  60. nznokia
    people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, so you have never had another user name that has been disabled??? Just making a point on how hard it can be to put the right people on that list (O:

    jmma (69)    10:27:18, 10/02/2002

  61. I am surprised about the number
    of unhappy people that are worried about being "lynched" on the Hall of Shame. Firstly, all the "feedbacks" on the site are opinions (if not, they should be expressed as such and should allow a right of reply to overcome unlikely "legal" worries). Secondly, Trademe has failed to remove troublesome repeat offenders (and in some cases have covered up their misdeeds by removing warnings on the messageboard and elsewhere) and fraud has not decresed under the new "beefed up security changes" - heck, they seem to barely keep this site running reliably as it is - it's too much to ask. Thirdly, it is a free service that could save you hundreds of dollars (as a thread regarding Justan aka Hayben aka Kapiti Computers aka Capital PCs aka nz2001nz shows). I'd say it's a damn fine idea, definitely Kiwi ingenuity at work, and I wish jjbc well.

    sparhawk (29)    10:27:58, 10/02/2002

  62. Incredible..
    Well I'm with gamefisher on this one..This self righteous person is NOT even authenticated and has 4 trades..and only a new member...this reminds me of the westerns lynching mobs who hang the poor innocent guy and then....oooppps we didnt know the whole story or circumstances..He has No criteria to work with and simply uses Numbers as his basis of placeing people on the list..there are some 80000 users on the site and he has singled out just a few..Not good..yes i think some are bad traders as a site like this will attract some rouges looking for easy marks..but where is it that you take it upon yourself to be so self righteous and list only a few when you dont have the database to work with..Who made you the sole judge and jury..

    fisher (71)    11:08:22, 10/02/2002

  63. ahhhh always so much drama!!
    I think jjbc means well, and is only trying to help! so dont be so hard on him, but also i think its not his place to make a list like that, thats trademe's job if they want need for all the drama and crying tho, he was only trying to \$0.02 ;)

    ibanez_shredda (6)    11:13:19, 10/02/2002

  64. cont..
    a lot of bad feedback was placed prior to the advent of the new system where it is NOW transaction related..a lot of malicious uncalled for feedback was posted and I suppose none of this has been taken into account..of course not..:} hes a numbers boy..and only new to the site..he wouldn't know this..Unless you know the circumstances of EACH and every transaction, you are in no position to judge..God help anyone getting a bad feedback from now on thru no fault of their own and by a trader who see it different to yourself or by circumstances out of their control..NOPE ADD EM TO THE LIST...BAD BAD PERSON...I think you need to do some more bible studies...

    fisher (71)    11:18:51, 10/02/2002

  65. It just doesn't sit right with me...
    I'm with pauley in the sence that I think theres another motive for this site. Not nessarily (sp?) what he thinks but somethings going on. Time will tell huh.

    scorps (52)    11:26:49, 10/02/2002

  66. scorps
    Yes ...I had thoughts of my own scorps...maybe a pay to view the site scheme..Would you sit there and look thru 80000 odd members and judge them good or bad (you have to be fair to everyone dont you? }and place them on the list are people removed from the list? or are they simply there for "life"... Joseph these are questions you need to answer and I think you need to place your full name address phone number and email addy for people to have the right of reply and defend themselves...maybe you will just sit behind your keyboard and bible and hide...whats it to be?

    fisher (71)    11:46:25, 10/02/2002

  67. ...
    So far I've only had a look at the record of one trader on that list (evo7nz) who has 1 good feedback, 1 neutral, and a trademe suport one. Seems you're going to have a pretty long list if you put on everyone who has feedback that resembles this

    kingpin (55)    12:25:15, 10/02/2002

  68. I would suggest you carefully read
    what has been posted on this thread. The answers to your questions have already been stated, and while you`re at it, read the Bad Traders thread under TradeMe Help - questions and answers. As for the TradeMe Hall of Fame, I hope to have something up and running later on today.

    jjbc (5)   12:25:59, 10/02/2002

  69. ..
    This is ridiculous. I've just clicked on 2 more trader names on the list. Both of them have only 1 bad feedback

    kingpin (55)    12:28:46, 10/02/2002

  70. I Withdraw
    I am withdrawing the support I showed futher up this thread. I sorta liked the concept, it seemeed okay till I looked closer, something I regret not having done before I opened my mouth in support. There are traders on there with ONE bad feedback, and others with 3 from the same person about the same deal, which to my mind is only ONE bad feedback. A lot of the neg feedback was gained in the days when someone who was pissed off with you could haunt you unfairly. A closer look at a couple of the bad feedbacks and you will find that they in turn are from people who also have Growly faces. Kinda sends the credibility down the tubes. So, my humble hat is on, I bow to those that saw this before me.

    helen.c (338)    12:33:45, 10/02/2002

  71. You don’t have the right to be judge and jury
    I have to agree with fisher on this one, How can someone with only 4 feedbacks and not even authenticated be judge and jury of this site, how many of the members on your site do you actually know the full story, and not just what other traders have said. When I first started on trade me my very first feedback was bad, why because my computer crashed and I was unable to email my buyer once up and running it was removed and I was given good feedback because she understood what had happened. But under your judge and jury system I would have been placed on your site for 1 Negative feedback. You really have no right to start up a site when you don’t know the reasons behind the negative feedback.

    vamp_slayer (42)    12:41:37, 10/02/2002

  72. Jjbc's site is still a baby
    and still evolving for that matter. Instead of being all negative, why not give him constructive feedback to make it better? A simple right of reply would solve practically all the concerns registered thus far.

    sparhawk (29)    13:10:02, 10/02/2002

  73. Will
    I feel Trademe need a rocket up there backside. They need to clean this site up forthwith and learn to reply to complaints filed through their much touted and spouted complaints feature that Nigel spends so much time mouthing off on the messageboard about. Only seems when he is stuck for a reply! But hell they cannot even be bothered to reply typical of the arrogance I have found shown by Nigel in the past. However this doesnt call for a links site that lynches people for one bad deal. Although when TM find it in their questionable wisdom to re-instate a waste of space trader such as "snakewitch" along with the arrogance of the way they deal with the better traders that make this site what it is, you really have to wonder about the foundation base of TM. Why trust someone who continually allows and in certain circumstances aids & abets these scum to rip people off.

    vfr (32)    13:46:02, 10/02/2002

  74. To all those who have a problem with this...
    Get real! You each have a publicly accessible trustweb page listing trusted users and blacklisted users. As a (currently) authenticated user (just no star, yet), the TrustWeb feature is not available for me. If I am accepting suggestions on forming a trustweb, then perhaps other users may find this useful - I just have to run it on my own site, rather than TradeMe`s. Absolutely no difference!

    jjbc (5)   13:52:24, 10/02/2002

  75. I take it
    that you have full written permission from the people whos profiles etc are listed on your site to do so.

    marton (3)   13:52:31, 10/02/2002

  76. #75 He needs no such permission
    since this is in the public domain. The bad feedback that fraudsters and "auction" defaulters have earned under the anonymity of a trademe username is also a matter of public interest. Are the bad traders currently ranked (from most shameful to least)? If only we could trust Trademe to do this kind of thing for themselves!

    sparhawk (29)    13:58:44, 10/02/2002

  77. Are you sure sparhawk?
    Thats cool, so I can just cut and paste company web pages to my site?

    pauley (3)   14:22:51, 10/02/2002

  78. To those who object
    to their name and details etc been listed on another website which in reality has nothing to do with trademe. You can complain and have the site removed at

    marton (3)   14:28:11, 10/02/2002

  79. You object to a series of links???
    Just as well you haven`t checked out a few other sites....

    jjbc (5)   14:33:56, 10/02/2002

  80. #77 he has not just copied
    and pasted (did you check the source code?) #78, he has not violated any of the terms and conditions of Freeservers, and his site has EVERYTHING to do with Trademe. What agenda are you pursuing Marton? If this were a professionally run service, I would probably subscribe to it.

    sparhawk (29)    14:37:24, 10/02/2002

  81. As it seems that you are the self appointed
    "name and shame" merchant of traders with negative feedback how about some honest details about yourself. ie why would a trader with such a short track record on trademe be so fervent about such a task? Who do you trade as and what is your relationship with trademe? Surely a site detailing the cheats and scams (which aren't always obvious from fedback) would be better than just (re)listing what is already here.

    pauley (3)   15:17:55, 10/02/2002

  82. whether............
    Whether you like the idea or hate it, if the motive is good then dont knock it so hard. We are all fighting a common enemy here so constructive rather than destructive should be where we are headed. Also, for what its worth I think VFR makes some valid points. TM mare not really answerable to us but I do think some loyalty is in order as well as looking after their bread and butter (us). & Nigel if you are reading this, as I suspect you are, please consider that the majority of us are trying to cover our backsides and a little help from you would be to your benefit also. My 2cw.

    helen.c (338)    15:18:27, 10/02/2002

  83. #74 Answers needed
    Well are you going to post your name address and phone number with email address..are you going to specifically answer the questions that have been raised..ill ask them again..(1) what criteria do you use to place people on this list..(2)how do people get removed from the list..? (3)Is this site to remain permanently..?(4) how old are you and what qualifications do you have for making these judgements..?(5)Once you become authenticated..will all these traders appear on your blacklist..? (6) do you intend to use this list/site commercially..? These questions need to be answered in this thread in your NEXT post..Please reply to them directly and not say they have been answered..State your intentions here..let us judge YOU..

    fisher (71)    15:23:10, 10/02/2002

  84. Ive got it...
    sparhawk and jjbc are one and the same...messages in other threads are just too similar and all the links from the shame page are to sparhawks pet hobbies..disputes tribunal, fair go etc... Now you have been found to be violating trademes terms and conditions please add both of yourselves to the shame page.

    pauley (3)   15:26:25, 10/02/2002

  85. Sorry #84
    but I suggested the links to jjbc in this thread (read above). #83, I don't think jjbc should post his address and phone number to avoid unhappy fraudsters who are worrying about their livelihood ringing him up at 1am, but an email address is needed so the "accused" can post a right of reply. Pauley, why don't you try earning some feedback by buying and selling, or maybe you've had your account disabled before? If so, why?

    sparhawk (29)    15:35:48, 10/02/2002

  86. Going by the logic expressed in this thread
    people are saying that anyone can make a list of people who they think are bad long as it is public knowledge, pick & chose who they wish to put on that list & post it on a web site with no mandate from any legal organizational body. If this is so why is it I can find no list of people convicted through our legal system of far more serious crimes than these traders have done. I am sure our newspaper would like to publish list like this you need to ask yourself what is constraining them.

    gamefisher (36)    15:39:49, 10/02/2002

  87. I had a look at that
    list, some traders have one bad feedback and in some cases there is a good explanation. The fundamental idea is sound but this list seems a bit extreme.

    billdunit77 (1)    15:44:11, 10/02/2002

  88. Ahhh, once again my theory is proved
    Once a thread contains more than about 70 messages it reverts to a big bitchy mess...

    pauley (3)   15:46:47, 10/02/2002

  89. Pauley
    I agree with you there, its becomming a little bit messy now...ive been watching this thread intently

    nz2001nz (43)    15:59:35, 10/02/2002

  90. Re Hall of Shame.
    How do I get somebody added to this list what is the criteria for getting somebody added etc.? Thanks.

    pow (97)    15:59:35, 10/02/2002

  91. Pauley
    Thats a profound statement from someone who recently joined TM. Or were you here before in another guise?

    helen.c (338)    15:59:58, 10/02/2002

  92. TradeMe Hall of Fame
    A very basic start has been made you can view it now at

    jjbc (5)   16:01:52, 10/02/2002

  93. Re 90
    At the rate you`re going, you`re only going to make it on the Hall of Fame.. :)

    jjbc (5)   16:03:32, 10/02/2002

  94. Re 86 - gamefisher
    Well you`d better not tell anyone about your Trustweb at

    jjbc (5)   16:09:39, 10/02/2002

  95. Is that your style jjbc
    I think you should rethink this idea!!!

    jmma (69)    16:13:59, 10/02/2002

  96. Great stuff
    lets see Trademe try to censor and coverup the shonky traders this time (looks very sternly at nz2001nz - how's the compensating going by the way Hayden?) Honestly, I don't know why people are so concerned at this point. After all, if you have no bad feedback, you have nothing to worry about. Even if you do, you'll probably end up with a right of reply. Of course, jjbc will be very busy updating the site, which is why he probably needs to set up a database and php server to automate the process. You could feasibly rate from most fameful to most shameful given the right criteria.

    sparhawk (29)    16:14:51, 10/02/2002

  97. Gamefisher, why is it
    that you suddenly removed Baz_mc from your blacklist???

    jjbc (5)   16:23:04, 10/02/2002

  98. Re 93 What the hell do you mean
    What the hell do you mean I only asked how to get somebody placed onto the dam list.. Forget it I will deal with this my way thank you very much for somebody that is not authenticated anyway to play god the way you are you need for these people to start suing your arse for slander. And defimation .

    pow (97)    16:25:02, 10/02/2002

  99. That was *Fame* not Shame...

    jjbc (5)   16:26:30, 10/02/2002

  100. What are you talking about

    gamefisher (36)    16:26:38, 10/02/2002

  101. Re 96 Sparhawk
    This would definitely have to be a project taken on by TradeMe, as it would be very difficult to provide live data, without it being incorporated into the database. It would be nice if they could report a percentage scale ie +100% through to -100%, based on the following calculation; Good Feedback divided by Total Feedback. It would be nice if they could implement something like this... :)

    jjbc (5)   16:36:00, 10/02/2002

  102. JJbc, you are spiralling into gibberish my boy...
    And going on your responses which are of the "he can't play with me..." type, you seem a tad immature to be messin' with such a controversial project. Once again, what are you doing that is so different to the feedback and trustweb info available already?

    pauley (3)   16:46:08, 10/02/2002

  103. In Reality
    This is an exercise in futility.As soon as people stop posting to this thread it will soon fall off.There will be no url for people to have access to and everyone will revert back to the feedback system that trademe already has in place.All this site does is link to feedback that is already on the trademe databaseand freely availiable and certainly easier to access.Just a storm in a teacup.

    bazmc (3)    16:58:04, 10/02/2002

  104. Re #101, easier than you think
    since each member is assigned a number, it would be easy to use a spider to pick up the information to put in your own database. There are a number of open source php scripts you could modify to automate most of your site. Maybe you could finance it via donations and perfect it with volunteer help? But how will you stop the very worst offenders that just move onto a new username and in their minds, a "clean slate"?And yes, it's a shame trademe couldn't do this themselves.

    sparhawk (29)    17:22:47, 10/02/2002

  105. well...
    the guy I asked to have put on there has only one bad feedback and that was from me, and he hasn't returned to TRADEME or my emails requesting my money back. He has also done no more listings, so he can go on as far as I am concerned. I am behind JJBC

    ladygolfer31 (16)    17:50:48, 10/02/2002

  106. Geeesh ..Ladygolfer
    Look how many defaults YOU have.....i dont believe your have a person with one bad feedback put on this bogus list....I reckon you are VERY close to being removed from trademe...IMHO..Best you look in the mirror with your own problems ..lest you cast aspertions...

    fisher (71)    17:55:58, 10/02/2002

  107. re105 ???
    What are you talking about? You have 3-4 defaults against you, ignoring email requests etc...Or is this acceptable to jjbc?

    pauley (3)   18:03:41, 10/02/2002

  108. hey jjbc
    add ladygolfer31 to the list ..i have blacklisted her...She doesnt answer emails..fails to complete auctions...fails to pay her monies...after bidding...

    fisher (71)    18:13:07, 10/02/2002

  109. fisher has raised a good point
    I thought of last night why don't trader blacklist those they don't want to trade with who have bad feedback.

    gamefisher (36)    18:20:57, 10/02/2002

  110. Well...........
    If you are going to put people on this for 1 bad feedback you will have SOOOOOO many there and why arnt the people making comments on this thread with 1 or more bad feedbacks up there?????, WHY do you get to decide?.......

    jaredm (14)    18:26:33, 10/02/2002

  111. # 83
    Still waiting for answers to post number 83..anyone else want him to answer these questions??

    fisher (71)    18:54:05, 10/02/2002

  112. Maybe
    T/M needs to make the whole site autho only traders and start with this notice board.

    pow (97)    19:04:43, 10/02/2002

  113. Thanks fisher....
    I got a few good tips for the site from your Trustweb at

    jjbc (5)   19:11:20, 10/02/2002

  114. re ladygolfer
    From my understanding she has had major problems with her computer lately.She has made two postings on the message bd in an attempt to rectify any problems she has with trades she has made.There are times when people experience problems beyond their control,whether they be personal or computer related problems.Genuine attempts to rectify problems are sometimes thwarted by the lack of understanding/communication or impatience by the other party.

    bazmc (3)    19:31:33, 10/02/2002

  115. jjbc
    I think most people are missing the point...its NOT about the web site you have set up..its about the rights of people to make up their own minds who they wish to deal with...Having said that, most traders on trademe can make up their own minds and make their own mistakes...but you have 'SINGLED' out a few and I can see no criteria that you add people to this list...or how you JUDGE people..without any facts...You are simply a GUTLESS dont affect me because im not on your stupid list..and most would say because you GUESS at judgement ..that you are simply a JOKE...I think you are...BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN.. dont think so...Chip on shoulder..and get ya rocks of from being centre of attention...YES..!!Answer the questions ya gutless wonder...

    fisher (71)    19:46:41, 10/02/2002

  116. Well well fisher
    I am surprised that you resort to abuse of other traders, just because someone else doesn`t share your point of view....

    jjbc (5)   19:49:09, 10/02/2002

  117. bazmc
    Yes prove my point..Some people on trademe are not so under standing with such problems...and post bad feedback ..when in fact there are extenuating circumstances..Thats exactly what im getting doesnt make them a bad trader just unfortunate..but this guy just ADDS the numbers to the list...and being new he has no concept of what tranpired when only until just recently could be posted on ANYONE at anytime for any reason...that history is still in place and part of his criteria to add ppl to this list..Ive had my you said in a previous post...leave him alone and he'll go away into oblivion...

    fisher (71)    19:52:55, 10/02/2002

  118. Fisher
    Could you please explain then, why YOU have blacklisted LadyGolfer31 based on your comments above??

    jjbc (5)   19:57:29, 10/02/2002

  119. lol...
    Oh im making a point..I have never spoken to ladygolfer31..never traded with ladygolfer31..I dont have her email address and quite frankly dont know her AT ALL..I was waiting for YOU to question me and of course the fishing is good lol:}}

    fisher (71)    20:13:04, 10/02/2002

  120. jjbc
    Dont you think its a good idea to REMOVE your crappy "backlisting" or whatever you call it site? i dont see that it will do people any good and why wouldnt they just look at the traders backlistings/feedback before trading anyway? theres no point in making such a non-sense site, take it down.

    nznokia (13)    20:13:14, 10/02/2002

  121. nznokia
    changed your tune from last night, scared someone might find out something, joshwrx?? ((O:

    jmma (69)    20:46:53, 10/02/2002

  122. And Joshsti
    and many more.....

    kev (12)    20:57:08, 10/02/2002

  123. I feel rather shamed myself
    maybe my name should go up, as I feel terrible removing a auction for Thomas the Tank video, for a certain reason, though I hope some kid or kids, didn't have their heart set on it. That would be real sad. Seriously though, I think this is a good placement on trademe message board, as I visited site to view info earlier today. Very Impressed!! Well Done. Dave.

    chessmaster (101)    21:10:28, 10/02/2002

  124. well
    this has made interesting reading wile the dinner cooks lol. jjbc, u obviously arn't who you are pretending to be, you've not answered any questions that have been raised in the past gawd 50 or so posts, I'd love to know what your motives are in doing this whole lot of b/s but i suspect I'll never get a confirmed answer so I shall just have to trust my judgement and add you to my blacklist. Your the 1st one there so I hope you don't get too lonley :O)

    scorps (52)    21:13:45, 10/02/2002

  125. there y ou
    go again nznokia. Schizophrenia has got a real hold on you.

    invizibull (72)    21:21:19, 10/02/2002

  126. re:hall of fame
    I admit I went to check it out. I would like to know why I am on there yet there are sooooooooo many more deserving than me. Is it to try and make me change my opinion of you? Am i spose to say..."oh yeah he's so kewl now he's added me!" What about gypsy, 227 + feedbacks (318 in full total) and no-one has blacklisted her. Or Michellew2k with 66 pos feedbacks and only 2 - those from the same trader who I would judge from the outside looking in as being in the wrong. What about Sselkirks with 46 + who until yesterday had more than me, no -'s. My guess is because I open my mouth in the threads more than these ppl (well cept maybe Gypsy lol j/k)

    scorps (52)    21:50:15, 10/02/2002

  127. I don`t hold grudges, but...
    your record speaks for itself - perfect.

    jjbc (5)   22:04:34, 10/02/2002

  128. This is getting funnier by the minute
    traders that have blacklisted jjbc are on the fame list.This is totaly nuts.

    gamefisher (36)    22:06:01, 10/02/2002

  129. The funny thing is that if people are
    misusing the TM blacklisting feature, jjbc's list becomes more and more accurate. Since his entire site is based on nominations by other traders and peer review (via this thread etc), it may ultimately become more accurate as more people are added, but how will they be ranked? But some people seem to be TOO worried about the list. Take Fisher for instance - 1 bad feedback, his buyer had to pay \$100 to fix the rod which he misdescribed. Fisher's response to the feedback says he offered a refund (which by all accounts would give Fisher a repaired rod and leave the buyer \$100 out of pocket). I wonder why the buyer didn't accept? But in any event, I look forward to future developments, since the site will promote honest trading, expose really nasty "traders", help prevent fraudulent deals, and encourage trademe to "beef up" security.

    sparhawk (29)    23:18:04, 10/02/2002

  130. jjbc. Why are you doing this?
    Have you been badly ripped off, or is it just a personality disorder?

    pauley (3)   08:05:30, 11/02/2002

  131. Just a quick question....
    Based on the premise that one negative feedback can earn your ass a stay at the shame hotel, arent you going to be pretty darn busy adding all the traders with a single good feedback to the fame hotel? We're after consistency! Just mctw

    amigo_nz (36)    08:18:57, 11/02/2002

  132. so if one
    good feedback can get you added to the hall of fame maybe you should add us as well lol

    nijo (61)    08:55:14, 11/02/2002

  133. hey nijo
    You're famous now... in the hall of Fame. good on ya's... but I've got more feedback where am I? huh? hehehe. To be honest I really dont like this idea. We have trustwebs and feedback and we warn each other on the Messageboards here - as much as i like the idea in theory, somehow it's just not right. And where are the answers to all those questions jj?

    embob (69)    09:56:09, 11/02/2002

  134. bad idea
    It won't work like you think it will. I say let people judge for themselves based on feedback - so post relevant feedback people, not web pages.

    loonee-dial-111 (29)    10:16:42, 11/02/2002

  135. changing the subject
    it's my birthday tomorrow.

    marilynmonroe (74)    11:07:55, 11/02/2002

  136. Happy b'day marilyn!!! yayayaa!!
    changing the subject again lol,... I think jjbc meant well to begin with!..... but now its gotten a little carried away, i think its for the trademe admin to decide how they run their site, no-one else,the trustweb and feedback system seems to do fine,so no more crying about this, its not such a big deal...,maybe a warning sign on trademes front page might be a better way to kick bad traders ass,something like "any abuse of trademe will result in your ISP addy being traced,and reported ¿ "lol something like that..i dunno¿ \$0.02;)

    ibanez_shredda (6)    11:18:05, 11/02/2002

  137. i just looked at
    nz2001nz and they have all these good feedbacks and apparently 2 yucky ones.I could only see one.I might add if some one had given me a bad feedback for what ever reason and my lovely name was posted up there well I would be totally brassed off and would be contacting Nigelstraight away.I dont think you have the right to do this .Does trademe administration know about this???

    marilynmonroe (74)    11:35:00, 11/02/2002

  138. happy birthday
    marilynmonroe i wont sing to you like you did to me because i cant sing lol

    nijo (61)    11:48:41, 11/02/2002

  139. oh and em
    your on there now as well, so your famous like us lol. Gotta go get ready to get big holes drilled in my teeth at the dentists now lol

    nijo (61)    11:52:17, 11/02/2002

  140. Well, i just went and had a look
    Im second from the top on the shame list thing...wheres the justice..surley there are worse traders out there than i...who knows.

    nz2001nz (43)    12:02:50, 11/02/2002

  141. almost
    brings a new meaning to shamed out doesn't it??

    nijo (61)    12:07:01, 11/02/2002

  142. It does
    How long before all 60,000 members blacklist me i wonder

    nz2001nz (43)    12:54:50, 11/02/2002

  143. hey Hayden
    nz2001nz I won't if you buy something off me.hehehe.Black mail.

    marilynmonroe (74)    13:44:16, 11/02/2002

  144. That sux
    I'm not on either list. I'm feeling abit left out. By the way I love this thread, it has made for interesting reading, especially late at night when you just can't be bothered going to bed.

    mariaorr (49)    13:51:42, 11/02/2002

  145. Hehehehehehe
    That was Nigel when he was reading this thread(O:

    jmma (69)    14:27:22, 11/02/2002

  146. YIPPEE
    im on the hall of frame to, woo woo ( dancing round the room) Ive never been on the hall of anything before, Im so excited. Half the people I was gonna nominate are already there. Oh sigh. So how about my daughter tiger24 she has more feedback than me even, or gypsy, karen hickman, 007 family to name a few. Ta much for that.

    lyndav (62)    15:21:35, 11/02/2002

  147. Well
    I would :) but theres not alot there i could use, i dont like to cross dress much these days :)

    nz2001nz (43)    16:08:12, 11/02/2002

  148. who...
    the heck is fisher to say that he will blacklist me, I have bought nothing off him. I have only missed around 3 auctions in non payment and have explained every one of them to those concerned.

    ladygolfer31 (16)    16:25:54, 11/02/2002

  149. the reason...
    why I have added old_d_b2001 to the list is cos he up and ripped me off on a DVD, never returned my emails, bank don't even know him, and he hasn't been back auctioning things. Sounds like a rip off con man to me.

    ladygolfer31 (16)    16:29:37, 11/02/2002

  150. just watching
    but it seems that people with only one badfeed back are geting put on this list notice I only said seems because I'm not about to visit this site but having looked at ladygolfer31s feedback for example does she not deserve to be on your list as she has 2 badfeedback. Sorry ladygolfer but I'm only using you as an example not a personal dig.

    nardz (12)    16:39:26, 11/02/2002

  151. At least ladygolfer
    gets a chance to explain herself!!

    jmma (69)    16:41:32, 11/02/2002

  152. thanks
    nardz, I am trying my best in my circumstances, it is damn hard when my computer has been in the shop now for 4 weeks, and due to a firm in England who have to pay for it, being slow. Now that I have a job, will be able to pay at the right time etc... I can always be contacted via the phone if people want my phone number.

    ladygolfer31 (16)    16:42:08, 11/02/2002

  153. Why not just ...
    go to a friends house and use theirs? Uhhh my pc is bust is only an excuse for 24 hours max...Try my car broke down on the way to the bank...lady golfer you obviously don't understand the concept of this site..when you win an auction you are obligated to complete the trade. Yuo cannot just decide not to buy after winning...that is a total dick around for the seller!!!

    pauley (3)   17:09:36, 11/02/2002

  154. ladygolfer31
    read post #119 ..

    fisher (71)    17:09:38, 11/02/2002

  155. Scorps
    Hi mate, I did not know about a hall of fame and i apoligise to you if it upsets you if i am on there.I thought you were getting a dig at me and still have not looked at it but will check it out later :)) No hard feelings,you are an excellent trader mate.

    gypsy (243)    17:44:59, 11/02/2002

  156. Lmao
    NOOOOOOOOO U read that wrong mate! (well actually I'm guessing by some posts in another thread that some of your friends read that wrong) What I was saying is that "how come I am on that list when some like you who has a great feedback record and who no-one has blacklisted ISN'T on that list. (well maybe you are now I don't know I haven't been back to look but you wern't when I posted that) so I was basically just saying to jjbc how come I get the privledge when you don't when you obvioulsy have a better feedback count and have been a member longer. And as for the comment made about him probley just doing it because I open my mouth on the boards more the saying except maybe than you was just a joke mate. I didn't think you'd take it personally, We're opinionated woman and more power to us i say! LOL. Hope that clarifies it for ya and BTW...I think your a great trader too which is y I used u as an example :O)

    scorps (52)    18:34:42, 11/02/2002

  157. scorps
    oh ok now i read clearly ( with ma So i am not and you are.What about others then like you are saying,this will (not with you) stirr up a hornets nest wont it??? Thanks scorps for responding to me and yes jo must have misread as well .I hope that you read this one Jo...:))

    gypsy (243)    19:41:13, 11/02/2002

  158. Hey scorps
    Where is this Hall of Fame at please? Cheers.

    gypsy (243)    19:44:15, 11/02/2002

  159. Links on post # 92 mate
    And yup your right it will stir up alot of ppl. I still fail to see how jjbc has 'judged' me more trustworthy than someone like you with a zillion good feebacks lol. I think his theroy is you can only be on HIS hall of fame if you have no negative feedbacks but I've looked at your bad feedbacks and from the outside looking in I wouldn't judge you to be in the wrong at all. so why arn't you on his site? Because he's just shit stirring is my guess and trying to cause trouble between members. He knows this is going to niggle at ppl and that is my guess as to why he's bothered doing these sites. sad aye lol.

    scorps (52)    20:05:32, 11/02/2002

  160. well Pauley...
    I do go to my boyfriend's house to use his one, but you see, mine has been in the shop now for over 4 damn weeks, and he is not exactly a happy chappy sometimes if I bug him too much to use his computer. Since my computer is under a 2 year warranty a firm in England are paying for it. They are the problem. I do pay for most of my things I buy except when people don't understand or care to.

    ladygolfer31 (16)    20:08:29, 11/02/2002

  161. Scorps
    Hi ya mate :)) Yeah had a look and you are correct.I am not worried that i am not on there,and if it is because i have a few wee badfeedbacks from like 1 yr ago well then maybe he does have a prob.I see people like Gray from NZ Trade that are not even on that list and michellew2k and lots of them..(to mention ones in ma head at mo) ..cliftonhill,pdrs, ohhh heaps,what the heck is he playing at.I have emailed this guy and asked why so would like to know his response to it.I still trade with all traders and give everyone a second chance...c u online laters :)

    gypsy (243)    20:09:33, 11/02/2002

  162. by the way...
    when someone writes to you 2 days after their auction has finished and accuses you to taking your time and that it has gone on long enough, I tell them to take a hike. Shit New Years Eve closed and I could have been on holiday away from a computer. Give me a break, that is a stupid thing to say.

    ladygolfer31 (16)    20:10:21, 11/02/2002

  163. ladygolfer31
    I we have traded and you were A! on my books..have to do you feedback yet though but you were prompt and reliable.

    gypsy (243)    20:17:47, 11/02/2002

  164. It looks like
    alot more traders have been added to the hall of fame, including me (yippee) lol. And Gypsy and Tiger24. So it looks like the creater is reading this thread and trying to keep everyone happy. Just doesn't look like he's replying to the thread anymore.

    mariaorr (49)    23:10:44, 11/02/2002

  165. Really
    I was actually added...oh ma No i notice that i have not heard from him via email nor on this thread...must bo overloaded with work...lmao

    gypsy (243)    02:07:38, 12/02/2002

  166. jjbc
    What is your intention /your goal/ your motive.You have lost the plot.If you continue in the same vein that you are at the moment you will have to provide links on your site to every single member of trademe.Answer the questions that have been posed to you or I will ensure your site is pulled.Your initial intentions may well have been good but your rational/ justiforcation and criteria is sadly lacking.What usefull purpose does your site serve.You are simply providing links back to the trademe database.I am surprised that more have not blacklisted you. You are not providing a service.You are quickly making yourself look a fool and stirring up unnesecary debate.

    bazmc (3)    02:29:26, 12/02/2002

  167. and
    Your blacklist isnt looking too sweet either so maybe its time you either pulled your head in or re evaluated your intentions.

    bazmc (3)    02:37:08, 12/02/2002

  168. thanks gypsy...
    normally I am up to date with my auctions and payments to people, just a few I have let down, trying to get back up again, but my apologies for the hurt or misunderstanding I have caused anyone, I did not mean to.

    ladygolfer31 (16)    08:25:36, 12/02/2002

  169. This was the point
    I was trying to get at in my earlier post. Because of circumstances beyond a traders control they can get bad feedback placed against them which in turn can lead to ending up on this hall of shame. Gonna use ladygolfer as an example again, she has puter probs, gets a couple of badfeedback and shucks could end up on this site with a bad name. Not everyone knows the reasons behind people getting badfeedback for and who is jjbc to judge these people without knowing all the details. I bet he hasn't done his research and found out everything thing that occured to end up with a badfeedback.

    nardz (12)    10:04:40, 12/02/2002

  170. and also
    ladygolfer you shouldn't have to explain your reasons to anyone but the traders you are dealing with at the moment.

    nardz (12)    10:06:51, 12/02/2002

  171. re:ladygolfer?
    I don't understand..youve got 3 negatives where you won the auction and didn't complete. Obviously the seller wasn't happy with your explanation as the feedback wouldn't have been posted. So what if 'most ' of the time you complete the trade. There have been 3 instances where you bid and won an auction and then failed to complete. Thats black and white. The point is you think it is acceptable to do so. If this was the case then trying to sell on this site would become a farce.

    pauley (3)   10:24:44, 12/02/2002

  172. and hall of shame cont..
    If jjbc wants to this then let him. Most of the 70,000+ members won't know of its existence unless they read this thread or if trade me provides a link to his site. He can include it in his listings desciption, but all that will show that is relevant to the buyer is that he is not on his own shame list...big deal. Maybe he's angling for a job as a dba at trade me..who knows...the kids obviously lost!

    pauley (3)   10:29:56, 12/02/2002

  173. Opinions
    Why set the entry level so low for the hall of shame yet loads higher for the hall of fame? My partner has one bad feedback from her very first deal using TM through no fault of hers.The trader involved sent her a vapourizer which was paid for very promptly etc.However when the vapourizer arrived I was disgusted to see that it was filthy with mold and hadnt been cleaned prior to shipping.Anyway by your standards she would probably make your hallf of shame even though she has 59 positive feedbacks after this.She doesnt eevn deserve the one sad face she has as she simply gave the other trader appropriate feedback on the condition the vapourizer arrived to us in.

    vfr (32)    10:44:23, 12/02/2002

  174. further
    I think it is time you re-think this whole site of yours jjbc.But as was pointed out above the hits on your site will soon dwindle into oblivion as soon as this thread does.I dont condone your stance but understand that TM should adress this issue instead of aiding people to continually rip other traders off on their site!

    vfr (32)    10:46:43, 12/02/2002

  175. Yup vrf...
    Theres some nasty retaliaters out there. Eg: a Friend of mine traded with Kimbo, she came into the message board asking wheather or not she should give bad feedback as it was truley a shocking trade. (I've read the e-mails between them) Everyone said "yup thats what feedback is for" (including me) now this trader has put some nasty retaliation on her perfect feedback, it's all a load of B/S (like I said e-mails to prove it) but now my friend is stuck with this feedback through no fualt of her own. SUCKS! Kimbo if your reading this, I know I certainly WILL NOT deal with you. Welcome to my blacklist!

    scorps (52)    10:50:13, 12/02/2002

  176. dealing with kimbo
    I wish I could say I was shocked at Kimbos attitude,but Im NOT,I knew she would do something spiteful like this.Placing bad feedback on me when I have proof(via her emails) about how over the moon she was at her jumper she recieved from me,also how I paid,and I quote"in record time" A nasty,spiteful piece of work she I said to her "feedback is only about the trade,not how you feel about the person" she obviously didnt take heed.Im fine with your f/b that you placed Kimbo,because it gave me a chance to redirect people to your's to get the full story

    arcaic (45)    10:55:17, 12/02/2002

  177. I fail to see why TM haven't disabled her
    I've just been reading through her feedback and even some of the ones with smiley faces don't have too good things to say. I think intimadation and threathing retaliation is what keeps her RED faces away. I have another friend who dealt with her and only recieved half of the goods paid for, then placed bad feedback and got a e-mail calling her a bitch and that she would never get the other half. (she had to wait 3 weeks with little communication and then B/S excuses to get the first half) After having badfeedback placed on her they 'worked' it out and my friend then placed good feedback on her. My guess is this has happened alot with her trades. 9 bad and 3 nutral, How many do u need b4 TM disable you?

    scorps (52)    11:43:40, 12/02/2002

  178. scorps, I don't think that just because
    your freind got her goods that she should have felt obliged to replace bad feedback with good. If you are left with a bad taste in your mouth then the trade wasn't a positive one, the feedback is there to guide buyers etc..If people knew that they would get the goods, but only after a deal of hassle and rudeness, most would pass on the deal, even if they wanted the it.

    pauley (3)   11:56:30, 12/02/2002

  179. pauley
    I am definately with you there,place feedback with TRUTH!I know with Kimbo some traders had a "fear" she would in turn place uncalled feedback on them,so stuck with the "safe" option.Im hopinh TM will remove her nasty feedback from mine*fingers crossed*,but I would never back down and be intimidated,threatend or begged into putting false feedback.Her nasty comments (on her reply to myfeedback and her f/d on me) is just something I had to put up with

    arcaic (45)    12:23:49, 12/02/2002

  180. Kimbos feedback
    Well I have just read some of Kimbos bad feedback.My advise is.Don't sell stuff on this site if you cant keep up the end of the bargain and secondly if one has to go out of town well heres a wee lesson.Did you know you can check your auctions from anywhere in the world.Im often out of town and always checking my site to see whats what.I can also log into my email by picking up my pop 3's great especially when im over seas.There is really no excuse for people having been away from thier computer.Oh and by the way it's my birthday today.Off to buy something nice for my lunch maybe something real fattening.

    marilynmonroe (74)    12:55:54, 12/02/2002

  181. What a waste of time and energy
    Feedback and Trustweb are there for exactly this reason. What the hell do we need another list for? Just my opinion.

    janice1 (15)    13:03:58, 12/02/2002

  182. #181, read #17 for the answer
    I agree that there does need to be more than just links (for example, nz2001nz has used other Trademe usernames, nz2001nz is simply the latest one). Since the Trustweb is now being heartily abused (jjbc is being blacklisted for no good reason is one instance, check his feedback) and setting up a second or third trademe account avoids this, a hall of shame based on the nominations of other traders seems to be a step in the right direction. The feedback system doesn't work either (it would be better to ignore comments and have ratings of 1 to 100 based on speed of delivery/payment, friendliness, whatever). I see a lot of blatant untruths (and likely defamatory comments) with many negative feedbacks (as well as with the odd response, when checking against the auction listing and comments). The feedback system and trustweb simply don't work, if they did, there would be no fraudulent sellers nor defaulting bidders on Trademe.

    sparhawk (29)    13:21:49, 12/02/2002

  183. Another thought...
    For the TM blacklist system to work effectively there should be some way of configuring our preferences so that we can have the option of "Deny access to anyone with more than 'x' number of bad feedbacks." It would seem more logical to put this fence at the top of the cliff rather than wait till bids are entered only to find they are ratbags and we need to send for the ambulance at the bottom.

    helen.c (338)    13:30:35, 12/02/2002

  184. That was very well put Helen,
    and i agree with you, it would be great to have something like that in place. sparhawk: I thought about a rating system a few weeks ago instead of comments (perhaps more ppl would even leave feedback as they wouldn't have to work out what to say) My thought was a 1-5 (1 being the highest) system on 3 points. Diffrent feedback sheet for buyer and seller so the sellers one would have on it for eg: quick contact, quick payment, and maybe overall feel about the trade. I was gonna post the idea but then I thought...nahhhhhhh I really like reading the comments about me (allbeit they have been great so far, no -'s) so I kinda went off the idea. Just for my scorpian egos sake LOL. j/k.

    scorps (52)    15:55:34, 12/02/2002

  185. oh andddddd...
    as for my blacklisting jjbc, I just wouldn't want to trade with him, He may be a very nice person who knows but I'm trusting my gut instinct telling me he's not who he appears to be so I'm staying well away. I think it's fair enough, I shouldn't have to trade with him if I don't want to so I took the easy option of blacklisting him incase he did decide to bid on something of mine and it went un-noticed by me.

    scorps (52)    15:56:48, 12/02/2002

  186. Sparhawk
    i am sick of you saying that he has been blacklisted for no reason, this guy stole information regarding me or about me from another site which i pay to use to benifit his own little pointless website. i gave no permission for him to use information regarding me nor did i allow him to use my name on another website, he as far as i am concerned is a common theif, he steels, it may not be material, but to me it is the same thing as ripping off my auctions, he took something that he has no right too, and yes i do know better, i know he is wrong and i am right, it should be my choice to complain, my name is there!

    glenda (172)    16:06:27, 12/02/2002

  187. I agree with Scorps in that we need
    a decent way to rate traders. Comments are subject to some very hearty abuse (including defamation at times - "This trader blows goats" is one that comes to mind). I had one guy (who defaulted on my auction and is now disabled) that submitted grossly untrue feedback and blacklisted me because I submitted truthful and accurate feedback regarding the Trade. Fortunately, all my other feedbacks indicated this was not the case. As for automatic blacklisting, it wouldn't work since such bad traders would (hopefully) be disabled by Trademe in time. Glenda, you can't steal information in the public domain. In fact, all that is being created here is a personal Trustweb (which is now more accurate than your one) on a different site that is free from Trademe censoring and editing. Hopefully it will get better with time.

    sparhawk (29)    16:35:31, 12/02/2002

  188. Email trademe
    Email Nigel or Shopie.Tell them whats going on.They will rectify the problem with this guy jjbc.

    marilynmonroe (74)    16:38:01, 12/02/2002

  189. ok....
    no more bad trades for me I guess, LOL. Anyway, can now pay my way, where as before having to rely on benefit, don't have that problem, so will keep good trades from now on. I am outta this topic unless I read otherwise. I will be good from now on.

    ladygolfer31 (16)    17:36:32, 12/02/2002

  190. sparhawk..
    thats very funny actually, "this trader blows goats"..if I had a site he would be in the hall of fame...New site it out, it has all the traders who have ben blacklisted for trading sex with underage goats for jumpers that have been it all off louie

    pauley (3)   20:49:38, 12/02/2002

  191. and lady golfer...
    so you rely on benefit...well why not spend less time trading and go get a job. I love it, " I depend on benefit" you don't, you rely on people with a job who work and pay tax for you to dick around on this site...

    pauley (3)   20:53:46, 12/02/2002

  192. hey Pauley
    I see you bought a book written by Zane Grey.My partners grandfather was a guide for Zane Gray.He also wrote Anglers Eldorado...Oh and it's still my birthday everone and im at work .How revolting.....can you believe it..

    marilynmonroe (74)    20:55:44, 12/02/2002

  193. marilyn....
    oh my that realyy you?

    pauley (3)   20:58:24, 12/02/2002

  194. hey pauley
    might want to read a bit more carefully... ladygolfer HAS got a job... she DID get off her bum :o)

    stanley1 (19)    21:06:02, 12/02/2002

  195. Well at last...
    my goat was sick of kissing her arse..

    pauley (3)   21:10:03, 12/02/2002

  196. Pauley
    you need to stop speaking out of yours.

    jmma (69)    21:15:41, 12/02/2002

  197. ahhhh....
    thats what the doctor these chillis, this ninegar, this vodka, and this vindaloo..."will that cure my diesase doc" I said. No, he said...but it wil teach you what your arse is for...

    pauley (3)   21:19:03, 12/02/2002

  198. Pauley
    No sweety keep this seemly.Just remember there are other kids that read this too dear.

    marilynmonroe (74)    21:21:33, 12/02/2002

  199. two cheeks, one arse...
    Actually I fell over when I was a child, and the crck in my arse never healed after my limpet...

    pauley (3)   21:21:52, 12/02/2002

  200. Is assuming
    Pauley is a kid too.

    marilynmonroe (74)    21:22:20, 12/02/2002

  201. Pauleys profile
    Oh im sooo sorry I see your pic on your profile.We are a bit like chalk and cheese when it comes to looks.I know my butt is waaaaaay nicer than yours.nananana

    marilynmonroe (74)    21:25:04, 12/02/2002

  202. a kid in a goats body
    yes yes yes..I too audtioned for little red riding hood but he agent said to me(marilyn) "darling, your seam is just too big...

    pauley (3)   21:26:21, 12/02/2002

  203. uhhhh.
    Marilyn, the photo is only head hi, my arse is way too sexy for my body...

    pauley (3)   21:29:12, 12/02/2002

  204. ok Pauleuy
    This is where I end this.Im off out for dinner now.It's my birthday.I am absolutly starving.

    marilynmonroe (74)    21:31:20, 12/02/2002

  205. o.k...
    just don't go to an indian and have a goat curry, it could be my brother.I'm out too, so see you kids tomorrow...

    pauley (3)   21:35:46, 12/02/2002

  206. the rating idea
    you would have to be specific e.g. time taken would not be a rating of 1-5 but rather - took 1 day to pay, 2 days 3 days a week 2 weeks a month. Otherwise some people might give a 5 for being paid after 2 days, and others a 3 even though there is no difference. What should traders be rated on? I think an option of rude or polite (one or the other), and time taken would be fair. Or you could put in an exact number of days and have an average and median displayed so people know that you normally take 3 days to pay and therefore don't get agitated :) then you could have a comment box as well, so that you can put extra comments if you like. But it helps people out who don't know what to say

    loonee-dial-111 (29)    21:39:32, 12/02/2002

  207. someones thinking :O)
    Very good ideas loonee, doubt TM would ever change it though aye, but still ya just never know lol

    scorps (52)    21:43:09, 12/02/2002

  208. ok Pauley...
    you obviously don't read all threads on the message board cos as from the 4th February I am in a full time job now and it is thanks to another website where my CV is that got me the job etc...

    ladygolfer31 (16)    15:09:44, 13/02/2002

  209. A big thank you....
    to Stanley1 for his comments about me and working. I indeed have a job, and it is more fun, and I spend less time during the day on the puter. Mine is still in the shop after 5 weeks, but shit happens.

    ladygolfer31 (16)    16:18:30, 13/02/2002

  210. I think...
    Pauley is a little immature litte sh*t. At least I am now working, probably unlike him, and I did have a child at home, but now she has gone to school. I was a SOLO MUM, thats why I was on a benefit for. DIIPSTICK!!!!

    ladygolfer31 (16)    17:42:36, 13/02/2002

  211. what i think is immature
    is a person who wants to be percieved as an adult, ranting childishly by not only calling people names and attempting to discredit with supposition and imagined nonsense, as well as attempting to expose faults in other traders when their own history is less than perfect.

    karamea (46)    18:20:08, 13/02/2002

  212. Pauley
    Youre in for it now boy.Lets get out the whip girls.

    marilynmonroe (74)    18:26:27, 13/02/2002

  213. well
    marilyn. pauley might like the whip especially as he seems to have a thing about arses. Makes the mind boggle at the intelligence of some people. Ive been a solo mother to, worked my guts out for years to feed my first husbands drug habit, and only gave it up 6 years ago, I have to admitt though id love to be in the workforce again, all those lovely dollars.

    lyndav (62)    19:11:11, 13/02/2002

  214. Lyn
    Sorry to hear about your ex husband.Men grrrrr.Well Ive not hd the experience of being a solo mother but it must be really hard.I admire woman who bring up children on their own.As your kids get a little older you will get back into the work force im sure.

    marilynmonroe (74)    20:00:30, 13/02/2002

  215. Am I being audacious, or should the
    Trademe Admin also be admitted to the Hall of Shame? The lack of responses to legitemate concerns voiced via email and this message board would seem to be good reason. :(

    sparhawk (29)    20:21:30, 13/02/2002

  216. Tsk tsk tsk Marilyn
    thats a very sexist remark :o) I haven't had any experience at being a solo mother either - been too busy in the last 10 years being a solo father... although I admit I have had more sympathetic looks than frowns so its not quite as hard.

    stanley1 (19)    20:52:19, 13/02/2002

  217. no offence stan..
    but in today society its a lot "harder" to be a solo mother..EXACT same thing a solo mum/dad does,but when you get a solo mother its "oh ANOTHER one" and you get a solo father "ohh isnt that lovely that POOR' man!" I think both solo parents do great jobs though:-)

    arcaic (45)    21:24:04, 13/02/2002

  218. quite agree arcaic
    I did try to make that point (not very well of course), but I was also trying to point out to marilyn that we aren't ALL a nasty waste of space :o) (It was a little tongue in cheek really lol)

    stanley1 (19)    21:28:45, 13/02/2002

  219. you made..
    your point very well Stan:-)

    arcaic (45)    21:37:07, 13/02/2002

  220. nothing but the utmost respect from me
    I don't know how you woman *looks at stanly* and men *g* manage it. I go nuts if my other half hasn't walked through the door by 5:30. And I only have one child! I bow to all of ya because I am truley not worthy. have to say a quick pet hate that I get is "so when r you going back to work?" I went back to work when my son was 3 months old till a few months ago and being a nanny I was lucky to be able to take him with me BUT I hated it, 6am starts and not getting to bed till midnite preparing for the next day. Full on and I resented the other children for taking my time away from my precious wee man. So when that happens you REALLY shouldn't working with them so i quit. I'll maybe look again after he turns 1, but until then ppl can shove their comments up their bum. I like how woman have fought to work etc but it's a shame how when you choose to stay at home these days you judged as lazy. *sigh if only they knew what staying at home involved lol*

    scorps (52)    21:37:22, 13/02/2002

  221. Stanley
    me being blonde asks why that was a sexist remark I made to Lyn????I don't have and don't want kids so I wouldn't know what it's like to be a mother, little own a solo mother..My partner is like one big 6"4 baby anyway.Thats enough

    marilynmonroe (74)    21:39:00, 13/02/2002

  222. Sorry Marilyn
    just my little niggle about solo parents always being classed as solo mothers (and the grr lol). Thanks scorps, I quite agree about the stigma attached to stay at home parents - it sucks. I have a friend who works part time and refers to it as Paid Employment Outside The Home - as opposed to drudgery at home :o)... oh and sorry to those grizzle grumps whose thread has been hijacked, you can have it back now :o))

    stanley1 (19)    21:49:47, 13/02/2002

  223. hands back...
    the thread:-) you know what it is?..we are so starved for adult conversation that if anyone older than 18yrs old even looks like they are going to say something we pounce on them!

    arcaic (45)    21:54:29, 13/02/2002

  224. i know
    what you mean about adult conversation, its not so bad here but when we lived in anothe town where people did not accept new comers, i would go weeks without seeing anyone but my hubby. So i would punce on anyone that came to our house and yak yak yak, I have to wonder how the hell I managed without a comoputer before. Well im away to bed my day starts at 6.30am every morning. Take care all.

    lyndav (62)    22:32:35, 15/02/2002

  225. just one little question....
    is fisher and gamefisher one in the same person????

    ladygolfer31 (16)    10:16:46, 16/02/2002

  226. just one little question...
    does ladygolfer play golf

    fisher (71)    10:48:14, 16/02/2002

  227. hahahahaha
    ladygopher , they are different individuals indeed :)

    vfr (32)    20:16:51, 16/02/2002

  228. Well I think jjbc believes he
    is two, that an cryptic acronym for john the baptist, jesus christ...

    pauley (3)   20:25:37, 16/02/2002

  229. Not sure
    How fair the 'Hall of shame' system is or will turn out to be. But there are many many brilliant traders here at trademe. Why arn't people posting the great traders names here, not all is bad! I'll give some. * deb01 * * cliftonhill * * gypsy * * bennie * * steve * * von * * hardaway * * jo-anne * * maxxx * * muzza3 * * marilynmonroe * Gees I could go all night. Come on people let's have some positive vibes here! If these Halls are going to be there, let's focus on filling up the 'Hall of fame!' :-)))

    sojo (47)    00:24:20, 17/02/2002

  230. Making the numbers count
    Just to keep things in perspective, I've added up the “pros” and “cons” messages, up to about 1/3 of the way through this thread, before it degenerated in to a slanging / justification match, and also before JJBC decided not to contribute. I’ve only included postings that were either for or against jjbc’s web site: There were also 20 people asking questions or offering neutral comments a total of 32 times. Some of these 20 are included below if they made a separate definitive comment one way or another in another message. Of the 20, 12 made other comments opposing jjbc....

    crusoe (5)    06:46:50, 17/02/2002

  231. cont...
    The number of messages and message posters were jjbc posted 30 messages 8 people wanting traders listed in the “hall of shame”. Two of these people later disagreed with jjbc’s concept. Those for jjbc’s site = 6 people. 14 comments were posted, 9 of the from one commentator - sparhawk. One of the other 5 later posted comment adverse to the jjbc’s concept Against jjbc’s site = 23 people, making 47 comments in total.

    crusoe (5)    06:48:29, 17/02/2002

  232. end...
    There have been others who have decided they are better connected than we mere mortals, and who can change the order of the world (however small), because of this close and intimate connection - "King Canute the Great, the legend says, seated on his throne on the seashore,waves lapping round his feet”

    crusoe (5)    07:16:30, 17/02/2002

  233. most certainly....
    this ladygolfer does indeed play golf, her handicap is on the Net, and plays golf at the home course of Michael Campbell the Professional.

    ladygolfer31 (16)    07:37:39, 17/02/2002

  234. my handicap...
    is also in my name on here, LOL.

    ladygolfer31 (16)    07:40:19, 17/02/2002

  235. ladygolfer seeing that you want
    to be a smartass in #225 on this thread & turn thing personal, I have never doubted that you are a golfer its the first part of your user name that I have doubts about. And just remember you are the one that started being personal.

    gamefisher (36)    10:36:55, 17/02/2002

  236. #232, you should stop
    your mindless counting of threads (for which you admit that you gave up 1/3 of the way through) and focus on the benefits and costs of having an independent means to rank traders. Also take note of the dodgy traders using new usernames (as well as traders with the odd bad feedback that still haunts their guilty consciences). ;)

    sparhawk (29)    11:48:19, 17/02/2002

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