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Welcome to TrustWeb Resources

 TrustWeb Services Date Updated

 NEW! The Twilight Zone   

4 March 2003

 NEW! Discussion Forum   

8 January 2003

 Hall of Fame (4 pages)   

24 March 2003

 Hall of Shame (4 pages)   

2 March 2003

 Alphabetical Hall of Shame (3 pages)  

2 March 2003

 Lest we forget   

28 February 2003

 Classic Moments   

3 June 2002

 Message Board Postings   


 Dispute Resolution Links   

24 February 2002

 A bit off-topic, but... excellent 64k demos!   

12 December 2002


Due to recent changes on the TradeMe Message Boards restricting discussions about rogue or malicious traders, you are encouraged to take the opportunity to submit traders for consideration to these lists by using the email link provided.

I will endeavour to update the lists as soon as possible after receiving and assessing your submission. Your help will ensure that this site reamins a useful tool for the community.

eBazaar: An alternative auction site that provides an open environment for discussion The place to voice yourself, nicely - an alternative open message board frequented by a number of TradeMe users
Link to - TradeMe News, Information and Contacts

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.

President John F. Kennedy

Page last updated: 7:21 pm, 24 March 2003.